Realm Grinder Wikia
Faceless Faction Building
In-game description:
"Little is known about the Faceless, but it is said they did not possess individual minds, instead they were all connected to a central consciousness which governed all their choices and behaviors. Affiliating yourself to the Faceless Faction will boost your production based on your past choices while giving progressively better bonuses."

The Faceless Faction[]

Faceless Champion Trophy
Faceless Overmind

The ancient race, Faceless, feature perks that becomes stronger with time. Their Heritage is based on the highest amount of buildings owned in the current reincarnation, and thus can easily be improved by doing a goblin-line run. Late game, their ability to increase assistants using S375 (Illusion) and their brainwaves come in handy.

  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Leges: Chaos
  • Faction Spell: Brainwave - Increase production of all buildings by a cumulative 2% for 10 minutes.
  • Spell Upgrade: Faceless Overmind Increases Brainwave ticks to 3% per second.
    • Unlock requirement: Affiliate with the Faceless 5 times in a row.
  • Heritage: Increase the production of all buildings based on the highest amount of buildings purchased in a single game.
    Formula:  where x is your your Buildings Owned (Max) stat.
  • Bloodline: Increase maximum mana based on mana produced in this game.
    Formula:  where x is your your Mana Produced (This Game) stat.
  • Challenge Reward: Focused Thoughts - Give Brainwave a headstart based on its activity time in this game, with a minimum of 1 minute, then grows up to maximum duration.
    +1 second per 5 minutes Active Time (This Game).
  • Research Building: Sunken Cities (from Labyrinths)
  • Research Facilities: Spellcraft, Divine
  • Leges Building: Forbidden Libraries (from Monasteries)
  • Faction Unlock Requirements: See below

Tier 1 Upgrades[]

Name Cost Effect
Faceless Faceless Trade Treaty 500 Fairy + 500 Undead Coins Unlocks Tier 1 Faceless Upgrades.
Faceless-faction-upgrade-11 Territorial Expanse 500 Qi
Increase Labyrinth production based on the amount of assistant you own.

Formula: where x is the amount of assistant you own.

Faceless-faction-upgrade-12 Evolutive Mutation 5 Sx
Increase Faction Coin find chance based on the highest amount of Labyrinths you built in this Reincarnation.
Formula:  where x is the number of Labyrinths you own.
Faceless-faction-upgrade-13 Deep Memory 50 Sx
Multiplicatively increase assistants based on the time spent on your longest game session in this Reincarnation.

Formula: where x is the longuest session this reincarnation in second.

(Under Metagame, Longest Session in the Stats.)

Tier 2 Upgrades[]

Name Cost Effect
FacelessTradeTreaty Faceless Friendship Pact 2,500 Fairy + 2,500 Undead Coins Unlocks Tier 2 Faceless Upgrades.
Faceless-faction-upgrade-21 Gold Synthesis 5 Sp
Increases the production of Neutral buildings based on the amount of gold owned

Formula: where x is the amount of coins owned.

Faceless-faction-upgrade-22 Mitosis 50 Sp
You gain additional Faceless Assistants based on the amount of buildings you own.

Formula:  where x is your Buildings Owned (This Game) stat.

Faceless-faction-upgrade-23 Overgrowth 500 Sp
Increase the production of all buildings based on the highest amount of buildings purchased in a single game.
Formula:  where x is your Buildings Owned (Max) stat.

Tier 3 Upgrades[]

Name Cost Effect
FacelessAlliance Faceless Alliance 10,000 Fairy + 10,000 Undead Coins Unlocks Tier 3 Faceless Upgrades.
Faceless-faction-upgrade-31 Magical Treasure 50 Oc
Additively increase Mana Regeneration based on the amount of assistants you own.

Formula:  where x is the number of assistants you own.

Faceless-faction-upgrade-32 Abominations 500 Oc
Increase the production of assistants based on the amount of active spells.

Formula: where x is the amount of active spell.

Faceless-faction-upgrade-33 Hive Mind 5 No
Increase the production of all buildings based on the amount of time spent affiliated with the Faceless. Persists through Reincarnations.

Formula: where x is the time spent as Facelless in second.

Unlock Requirements[]

These requirements can be done in different game plays.

Once unlocked, to affiliate with a Neutral Faction you first need to choose their alignment, just like Vanilla Factions. The alignment upgrade for Neutral Factions is called the Proof of Neutrality. Once all the 3 Faction quest items have been collected it will automatically appear in your next run. Once unlocked, each faction is permanently available.

Faceless Faction Unlock Requirements
Name Type Unlock Notes
FL-quest1 Bone Fragment 1 Quest Artifact 15 Excavations 1st clue required – indicates hours.
FL-quest2 Bone Fragment 2 Quest Artifact 30 Excavations 2nd clue required – together means "36 hours"
Faceless-unlock Octopus Shaped Spine Upgrade 2 Bone Fragments, 36 Hours playtime Unlocks the Faceless Faction.
Price: 1 No (1E30),
25,000 Fairy Coins,
25,000 Undead Coins
Neutral Proof Of Neutrality Alignment Upgrade Collect the 3 quest artifacts of any Neutral Faction. 10 Qa (1E16) Coins

Unique Buildings[]

Faceless Unique Building Design
Sunken building
Forbidden Library

At R22, Faceless' Labyrinths can be upgraded to a Unique Building: Sunken Cities, which is required for some challenges and research quests.

At R100, the Faceless' Ancient Pyramids can be upgraded to a Unique Building: Forbidden Libraries, which when bought will grant access to the Faction Union upgrade.

Faceless Research[]


Upon reaching R23, the game advisor tells us we have unearthed some ruins of the Ancient Races which might enable us to discover their research technology. The requirements can be done in different game plays.

To gain access to Faceless research, you will need the Secrets of the Ancients upgrade. This upgrade will appear when you have both Neutral Unique buildings and the Key to the Lost city artifact. The Key to the Lost city can be excavated in a separate run, and with any faction.

Research Unlock Requirements & Upgrade
Name Type Description Requirement Cost
Faceless-research-quest Sunken Cities Quest Quest Upgrade C-uh'e sll'ha hrii nog nwyar. Kn'a wgah'n ph'sgn'wahl. (Those unpronounceable words with no apparent meaning have spoken directly to your mind: you have to build enough Labyrinths).

Required once throughout the entire game play and does not count towards the bought upgrade stat.

R22[1] + 2000 Labyrinths 10 Dtg
Sunken City icon Sunken Cities Allegiances Upgrades Upgrade Labyrinths to Sunken Cities, boosting their production based on time spent in your longest game session and unlocking more unique perks for the building.

Formula:  where x is your Playtime (Longest Session) stat.

Sunken Cities Quest 10 Ttg
Artifact-lostcity Key to the Lost City Quest Artifact Unlocks the Secrets of the Ancients upgrade Found on the 1500th excavation at R23
Secrets of the Ancients Secrets of the Ancients Upgrade Unlocks research for Titan, Druids and Faceless and increases production by 100,000%, plus an additional bonus based on Economics research points.

Required once throughout the entire game play and does not count towards the bought upgrade stat.

Key To The Lost City artifact, Neutral Unique Building 10 Noqag (1E151) Coins,

1 M (1E6) of each Vanilla FCs

Neutral Research Upgrade
Artifact-ancientdevice Ancient Device Quest Artifact and Upgrade Adds 2 extra slots to the Neutral faction you are playing.

Faceless are related to the Spellcraft and Divine Facilities.
Requires being purchased for each Neutral research run.

Neutral Faction + 2,000 excavations.
Chance: 0.2% per excavation
100 QiSxg

Faceless Leges[]

Upon reaching R100, the Proof of Chaos will become available, which provides a quest for an additional unique building, which when bought will grant access to the its Union upgrade.

Faceless Leges Requirements
Name Type Description Requirement Cost
Faceless-research-quest Forbidden Library Quest Quest Upgrade Grants access to Unique Building. 5000 Excavations 1 Ud
Forbidden Library Upgrade Forbidden Library Unique Building Upgrade Monasteries to Forbidden Libraries, boosting production based on spells cast and unlocking more unique perks for the building.

Formula:  where x is spells cast.
+Access to the Faction Union.

Forbidden Library Quest 1 Td
FacelessUnion Faceless Union Faction Union Grants access to Union Upgrade. Forbidden Library Unique Building 1 Qi (1E18) Angel and Goblin Coins
PrimalKnowledge Primal Knowledge Union Upgrade Multiplicatively increase Faction Coin find chance based on the amount of Forbidden Libraries you own. Grows over time and resets every 15 minutes.

Formula:  where x is Forbidden Libraries count and y is time this game..

Faceless Union 1 Nod

  1. Neutral unique buildings can be acquired at R22, but Neutral research cannot be accessed without the Key to the Lost City, which is only available from R23.