Realm Grinder Wikia
Realm Grinder Wikia

Spiritual Surge (Colloquially "SS") is a spell that is automatically acquired upon reaching the 14th reincarnation. Similar to the default spells, Tax Collection and Call to Arms, it appears from the beginning of a game, and is considered untitled for alignment-targeting perks.

Spell Tiers[]

Six additional casts for Spiritual Surge can be unlocked, up to tier 7:

  • Tier 2: Costs 66 UVg coins, 10 T faction coins
  • Tier 3: Costs 5.949 Spvg coins, 891.3 T faction coins
  • Tier 4: Costs 53.61 Utg coins, 79.43 Qa faction coins
  • Tier 5: Costs 48.33 Octg coins, 7.079 Qi faction coins
  • Tier 6: Costs 4.356 Qaqag coins, 631 Qi faction coins
  • Tier 7: Costs 56.23 Sx faction coins

  • Tier 2: Costs 6.6e67 coins, 1e13 faction coins
  • Tier 3: Costs 5.949e84 coins, 8.913e14 faction coins
  • Tier 4: Costs 5.361e97 coins, 7.943e16 faction coins
  • Tier 5: Costs 4.833e118 coins, 7.079e18 faction coins
  • Tier 6: Costs 4.356e135 coins, 6.31e20 faction coins
  • Tier 7: Costs 5.623e22 faction coins

  • Tier 2: Costs 66e66 coins, 10e12 faction coins
  • Tier 3: Costs 5.949e84 coins, 8.913e14 faction coins
  • Tier 4: Costs 53.61e96 coins, 79.43e15 faction coins
  • Tier 5: Costs 48.33e117 coins, 7.079e18 faction coins
  • Tier 6: Costs 4.356e135 coins, 631e18 faction coins
  • Tier 7: Costs 56.23e22 faction coins

  • Modifiers[]

    Spiritual Surge effect is modified in the following ways:

    • Research S215 (Spellcraft Research "Projection": Increase Spiritual Surge effect by 150% per other active spell.)
    • Research D245 (Divine Research "Soulrending": Reincarnations count twice for Spiritual Surge.)
    • Halloween Event (Feat Upgrade "Spectral Surge": Increase Spiritual Surge effect based on Event Bonus.)

