These Good aligned building upgrades appear when reaching certain threshold of buildings when playing a good faction.
By default, the two first tier upgrades of each building type also gives 1 assistant in addition to their effect.
All pre-ascension upgrades are free post.
* The 3,500+ building upgrades are only available post-ascension.
Warrior Barracks (Elven Training Grounds) | |||
Name | Cost | Unlock Requirements | Effect |
Bronze Weapons | 36,200 | 5 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Iron Weapons | 1.185 M 1.185E6 |
25 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Steel Weapons | 1.926 B 1.926E9 |
75 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Diamond Weapons | 91.62 T 9.162E13 |
150 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Orichalcum Weapons | 124.1 Qa 1.241E17 |
200 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Duranium Weapons | 174.9 Sx 1.749E23 |
300 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Adamantium Weapons | 239.6 Oc 2.396E29 |
400 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Unobtainium Weapons | 321.6 Dc 3.216E35 |
500 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Mithril Weapons | 424.8 Dd 4.248E41 |
600 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Titansteel Weapons | 554.3 Qad 5.543E47 |
700 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Elementium Weapons | 716 Sxd 7.16E53 |
800 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Starglass Weapons | 917.3 Ocd 9.173E59 |
900 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Truesilver Weapons | 1.167 Uvg 1.167E66 |
1,000 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Laerthon Weapons | 1.476 Tvg 1.476E72 |
1,100 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Eternium Weapons | 2.012 Sxvg 2.012E81 |
1,250 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Truegold Weapons | 3.207 Uvg 3.207E66 |
1,500 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Core Iron Weapons | 5.093 Sxtg 5.093E111 |
1,750 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Ramonite Weapons | 8.058 Uqag 8.058E126 |
2,000 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Vibranium Weapons | 18.99 UQig 1.899E157 |
2,500 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Magisteel Weapons* | 306.6 Qid 3.066E50 |
3,500 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 50%. |
Demirock Weapons | 844.1 Spd 8.441E56 |
4,000 Warrior Barracks | Increase Warrior Barracks production by 50%. |
Knights Jousts | |||
Name | Cost | Unlock Requirements | Effect |
Pointy Lances | 112,640 | 5 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Stallion Horses | 3.687 M 3.687E6 |
25 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Trained Knights | 5.993 B 5.993E9 |
75 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Rich Prizes | 285.1 T 2.851E14 |
150 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Flirting Princesses | 386.1 Qa 3.861E17 |
200 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Gallop Races | 544.1 Sx 5.441E23 |
300 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Armored Mounts | 745.5 Oc 7.455E29 |
400 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Chivalry Customs | 1 Ud 1E36 |
500 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Glorious Charge | 1.322 Td 1.322E42 |
600 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Golden Spears | 1.725 Qid 1.725E48 |
700 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Rich Finery | 2.228 Spd 2.228E54 |
800 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Heroic Knights | 2.854 Nod 2.854E60 |
900 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Paladin License | 3.631 Uvg 3.631E66 |
1,000 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Attending Squires | 4.591 Tvg 4.591E72 |
1,100 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
The Grand Tournament | 6 Sxvg 6.26E81 |
1,250 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Warhorse Trainer | 9.979 Utg 9.979E96 |
1,500 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Advanced Jousting | 15.84 Sxtg 1.584E112 |
1,750 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Goldhand Knight | 25.07 Uqag 2.507E127 |
2,000 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Argent Lances | 59.09 UQig 5.909E157 |
2,500 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Cheering Crowds* | 953.9 Qid 9.539E50 |
3,500 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 50%. |
VIP Invitations* | 2.626 Ocd 2.626E57 |
4,000 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 50%. |
Giant Banners* | 290.3 Tqag 2.903E134 |
10,000 Knights Jousts | Increase Knights Joust production by 50%. |
Wizard Towers | |||
Name | Cost | Unlock Requirements | Effect |
Arcane Circle | 764,320 | 5 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Magic Channeling | 25.02 M 2.502E7 |
25 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Archwizards | 40.67 B 4.067E10 |
75 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Long White Beards | 1.934 Qa 1.934E15 |
150 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Magic Scholarship | 2 Qi 2.62E18 |
200 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Higher Towers | 2.692 Sp 2.692E24 |
300 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Book of Cantrips | 5.058 No 5.058E30 |
400 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Laradan Dome | 6.789 Ud 6.789E36 |
500 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
High Magister | 8.969 Td 8.969E42 |
600 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
The Younger Scrolls | 11 Qid 1.17E49 |
700 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Elemental Invocations | 15.12 Spd 1.512E55 |
800 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Arcane Crest | 19.37 Nod 1.937E61 |
900 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Archmage Legacy | 24.64 Uvg 2.464E67 |
1,000 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Magic Supremacy | 31.16 Tvg 3.116E73 |
1,100 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Promising Apprentices | 42.48 Sxvg 4.248E82 |
1,250 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Unleashed Potential | 67.71 Utg 6.771E97 |
1,500 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Epic Spells | 107.5 Sxtg 1.075E113 |
1,750 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Spell Slingers | 170.1 Uqag 1.701E128 |
2,000 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Augmented Intellect | 401 UQig 4.01E158 |
2,500 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Pointier Hats* | 6.473 Sxd 6.473E51 |
3,500 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 50%. |
Circle Channelling* | 17.82 Spd 1.782E55 |
4,000 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 50%. |
Enchanted Wands* | 1 Qaqag 1.97E135 |
10,000 Wizard Towers | Increase Wizard Tower production by 50%. |
Cathedrals | |||
Name | Cost | Unlock Requirements | Effect |
Golden Cross | 8 M 8.89E6 |
5 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Mausoleum | 291 M 2.91E8 |
25 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Holy Icon | 473 B 4.73E11 |
75 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Spiritual Guide | 22 Qa 2.25E16 |
150 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Epiphany | 30.48 Qi 3.048E19 |
200 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Holy Altar | 42.95 Sp 4.295E25 |
300 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Trained Inquisitors | 58.84 No 5.884E31 |
400 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Theocracy | 78.96 Ud 7.896E37 |
500 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Sacred Tome | 104.3 Td 1.043E44 |
600 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Crusader's Call | 136.1 Qid 1.361E50 |
700 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Consecrated Grounds | 175.8 Spd 1.758E56 |
800 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Holy Jubilation | 225.2 Nod 2.252E62 |
900 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Bell Tower | 286.6 Uvg 2.866E68 |
1,000 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Side Chapel | 362.4 Tvg 3.624E74 |
1,100 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Rose Windows | 494.1 Sxvg 4.941E83 |
1,250 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Beaded Bracelet | 787.6 Utg 7.876E98 |
1,500 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Sacred Ceremonies | 1.251 Sptg 1.251E114 |
1,750 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Painted Facade | 1.979 Dqag 1.979E129 |
2,000 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Holy Candles | 4.664 DQig 4.664E159 |
2,500 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Advent Elders* | 75.29 Sxd 7.529E52 |
3,500 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 50%. |
Encyclical Letters* | 207.3 Ocd 2.073E59 |
4,000 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 50%. |
Council Of Saints* | 22.91 Qaqag 2.291E136 |
10,000 Cathedrals | Increase Cathedral production by 50%. |
Citadels | |||
Name | Cost | Unlock Requirements | Effect |
Guard Training | 146.8 M 1.468E8 |
5 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Lookouts | 4.806 B 4.806E9 |
25 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Signaling Fire | 7.812 T 7.812E12 |
75 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Deep Moat | 371.6 Qa 3.716E17 |
150 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Ballista Towers | 503.3 Qi 5.033E20 |
200 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Nightwatch | 709.3 Sp 7.093E26 |
300 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Sentinel Patrols | 971.8 No 9.718E32 |
400 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Siege Supplies | 1.304 Dd 1.304E39 |
500 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Helm's Keep | 1.723 Qad 1.723E45 |
600 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Defensive Catapults | 2.248 Sxd 2.248E51 |
700 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Escape Routes | 2.904 Ocd 2.904E57 |
800 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Expert Strategist | 3 Vg 3.72E63 |
900 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Watchtowers | 4.733 Dvg 4.733E69 |
1,000 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Reinforced Perimeter | 5.985 Qavg 5.985E75 |
1,100 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Sworn Guards | 8 Spvg 8.16E84 |
1,250 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Carrier Pigeons | 13.01 Dtg 1.301E100 |
1,500 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Criptography | 20.65 Sptg 2.065E115 |
1,750 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Advanced Logistics | 32.68 Dqag 3.268E130 |
2,000 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Tactical Moves | 77.03 DQig 7.703E160 |
2,500 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Victory Plans* | 1.243 Spd 1.243E54 |
3,500 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 50%. |
Secret Informers* | 3.423 Nod 3.423E60 |
4,000 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 50%. |
Contingency Plans* | 0 | 10,000 Citadels | Increase Citadel production by 50%. |
Royal Castles | |||
Name | Cost | Unlock Requirements | Effect |
Reinforced Walls | 2.916 B 2.916E9 |
5 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Court Jesters | 95.46 B 9.546E10 |
25 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Comfy Throne | 155.2 T 1.552E14 |
75 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Jeweled Crown | 7.381 Qi 7.381E18 |
150 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Throne of Games | 9.998 Sx 9.998E21 |
200 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
King's Blessing | 14.09 Oc 1.409E28 |
300 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Royal Lineage | 19 Dc 1.93E34 |
400 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Blue Blood | 25 Dd 2.59E40 |
500 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Heroic Prince | 34.22 Qad 3.422E46 |
600 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Food Taster | 44.65 Sxd 4.465E52 |
700 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Court Etiquette | 57.68 Ocd 5.768E58 |
800 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Royal Banquets | 73.89 Vg 7.389E64 |
900 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Abundant Progeny | 94.01 Dvg 9.401E70 |
1,000 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Golden Scepter | 118.9 Qavg 1.189E77 |
1,100 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Royal Treasurer | 162.1 Spvg 1.621E86 |
1,250 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Trained Butlers | 258.4 Dtg 2.584E101 |
1,500 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Castle Grandeur | 410.2 Sptg 4.102E116 |
1,750 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
King of the Hill | 649.1 Dqag 6.491E131 |
2,000 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Ancestors Portraits | 1 TQig 1.53E162 |
2,500 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Red Carpet* | 24 Spd 2.47E55 |
3,500 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 50%. |
Dance Hall* | 68 Nod 6.8E61 |
4,000 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 50%. |
Mirror Hallway* | 7.517 Qiqag 7.517E138 |
10,000 Royal Castles | Increase Royal Castle production by 50%. |
Heaven's Gates (Heaven's Domain) | |||
Name | Cost | Unlock Requirements | Effect |
Golden Key | 64.36 B 6.436E10 |
5 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Flying Butts | 2.107 T 2.107E12 |
25 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Automatic Gates | 3.425 Qa 3.425E15 |
75 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Miracle Dispenser | 162.9 Qi 1.629E20 |
150 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Heavenly Stairs | 220.6 Sx 2.206E23 |
200 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 100%. PA: 7.18% |
Holy Ascension | 310.9 Oc 3.109E29 |
300 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Last Minute Redemption | 426 Dc 4.26E35 |
400 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Paradise Town | 571.7 Dd 5.717E41 |
500 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Sky Passage | 755.3 Qad 7.553E47 |
600 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Heavenly Breakthrough | 985.5 Sxd 9.855E53 |
700 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 200%. PA: 11.6% |
Beatification | 1.273 Nod 1.273E60 |
800 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Blessing of Light | 1.631 Uvg 1.631E66 |
900 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Radiant Aura | 2.075 Tvg 2.075E72 |
1,000 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
Holy Doormat | 2.624 Qivg 2.624E78 |
1,100 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
The Divine Games | 3.577 Ocvg 3.577E87 |
1,250 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 300%. PA: 14.9% |
God's Right Seat | 6.702 Dtg 6.702E99 |
1,500 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Eternal Happiness | 9.054 Octg 9.054E117 |
1,750 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Cloud Service | 14.33 Tqag 1.433E133 |
2,000 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Godlight Rays | 33.77 TQig 3.377E163 |
2,500 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 400%. PA: 17.5% |
Upwards Rain* | 545.1 Spd 5.451E56 |
3,500 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 50%. |
Blissful Eden* | 1.504 Vg 1.504E63 |
4,000 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 50%. |
Allowed Fruit* | 0 | 10,000 Heaven's Gates | Increase Heaven's Gate production by 50%. |
Realm Grinder |
Game Mechanics |
Resources | Soft Resets | Buildings | Heritages | Bloodline | Lineage | Spells | Excavations | Challenges | Upgrades | Trophies
Factions |
Fairy | Elf | Angel | Goblin | Undead | Demon | Titan | Druid | Faceless | Dwarf | Drow | Dragon | Mercenary |
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